Friday 21 July 2017

Never Ignore Missing Teeth

There are two kinds of people in the world, who gives importance to something and who doesn’t.  Dental Expert says that some men/women never mind if there is any gap in their mouth and can get on perfectly well after they have lost a tooth.  However, it’s much important to be aware of the possible side effects of neglecting a missing even a single tooth for a long period of time. Not only can it lead to infecting in your jaw and leaning tooth, but as long as you neglect that little gap, the more tuff it will be for a Professional Dentist to make things perfect. Ignoring lose a single tooth could lead to several serious health problems.  

Resorbed Jaw Bone

The most serious issues that can happen from a missing tooth from a long time are a resorbed jaw bone. Normally, your bone near jaw is continuously stimulated by chewing and biting foods, but when a person lost his teeth, the stimulation stops working. This could cause a loss of the part of your jawbone that links the roots of your teeth and resulting gum strong tissue gradually becomes weak. Due to resorption of bone which is below the alveolar bone, your face including your chin and cheeks starts to change slowly. It can affect your ability to chew and speak. The total process may take many years but might be painful for patients, resulting in highly sensitive teeth and a patient may suffer from headaches on regular basis. This is why you shouldn’t put off making that appointment to the dental clinic in Dubai; the sooner you get advice from professional Dentist Dubai, the better the outcome for your teeth.