Wednesday 29 March 2017

Recovery After Root Canal Treatment

So, you are surviving with root canal procedure and were relieved that it was not the nightmare that you had imagined!  We spent some time with many of our patients and judge by the reactions of them, most are pleasantly surprised at just how routine the treatment is. Some patients felt much relaxed even they slept very well!

It counts as normal to feel few tenderness in mouth after Root Canal Treatment as your body undergoes healing process that are natural. These kinds of symptoms are for few hours and usually respond very well when take pain medications. It is must for all to follow the prescription rule on how to take medications. Keep in mind that for healthy adults, a common regimen is: 200 to 400 mg orally every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain relief. 

Your treated tooth may feel like slightly different from your other teeth for some time after your root canal treatment has been completed. However, if you have continues severe pain for more than a few days, contact professional Dentist instant. If your tooth is being treated in more than one visit by an endodontist, do not return to your dentist for the final restoration until the root canal treatment is completed. Root canal treatment is only one way which returns your tooth to full function. A well final restoration of the tooth is extremely important for long last.

Contact our Professional dentist Dubai as soon as possible to arrange your next appointment in Dubai.